Global Fund RFP: Health Supply Chain Human Resources Capacity Assessment Consultancy (TGF-17-127), closing September 14, 2017

The Global Fund has announced the following RFP for Health Supply Chain Human Resources Capacity Assessments and Evaluations which will support the Global Fund Procurement and Supply Chain Capacity Building Program.

Please see
Code: TGF-17-127

Given the critical importance of the strength of in-country supply chains to public health, the Global Fund is exploring how it can best increase its focus on supporting in-country supply chain work.

This RFP is to pre-qualify suppliers(s) who are knowledgeable about the common challenges and solutions within human resource capacity in health supply chains, and are able to lead, coordinate and organize a people baseline assessment and evaluation in country, and can manage large internal and external team members within prescribed timelines and budgets.
The Global Fund wishes to enter into indefinite quantity contracts (IQC) with pre-qualified suppliers that can provide consultancy services for human resource capacity assessments and evaluations in health supply chain management.

The scope of the contract is to work with the Global Fund to provide the following expertise:
- Analyze a country's HR capacity to manage the health procurement and supply chain and recommend actions for capacity building efforts
- Evaluate and measure performance of capacity building efforts

The following countries are in the scope of this RFP. However, this list is for reference only, and may be subject to change:

1. Angola
2. Benin
3. Cambodia
4. Cote d'Ivoire
5. Ethiopia
6. Gambia
7. Guyana
8. India
9. Indonesia
10. Lesotho
11. Malawi
12. Mozambique
13. Pakistan
14. Salvador
15. Senegal
16. South Sudan
17. Tanzania
18. Zambia
19. Zimbabwe

We look forward to your submissions.